In this post, we will show you the best 15 ways to promote your blog for free and boost your website traffic.
If you are a Blogger, you must be well aware of the impact of traffic on the blog. There is no easy way to make money from a blog.
Rather, you have to do things on that blog every day that will increase your website traffic. We need to work on both aspects to make money from the blog.
The most important thing about every blogger is to have correct and informative content so that visitors take an interest in it, Bookmark it, and Newsletter signup and come again and again to read well.
But also make sure that just writing good content will not bring traffic to your blog. As maintenance is necessary for everything, your blog also needs it.
Here we are talking about promoting the blog from its maintenance. The goal of every blogger is to get good traffic on the blog, if good traffic comes, there will be no difficulty in making money from a blog.
If you are also a Blogger, you will have the same goal, but the biggest question is how to increase website traffic fast.
Your content is also very good, so why the traffic is not coming to your site? And many such questions must be going on in your mind.
So the answer to all about is blog promotion.
Yes, with blog promotion, we can reach out to many times more people and increase traffic manifold.
Now the question is how and where to promote a blog post.
Don’t worry at all; we will discuss here everything about blog promotion and blog promotion techniques.
Blog Promotion is also an easy way to do Blogging Business. The harder we work on a post, the more diligently we promote it. When you complete a post, you know how to promote your Blog in 2023 further and make it famous.
What is Blog Promotion?
Promotion of a Blog means highlighting the Presence of your Blog in the Online World. You can surely write high-quality blog posts, but without Website Promotion, you won’t get good traffic on your website quickly and your blog and post won’t be famous quickly.
It won’t be that easy if you’re thinking about making money online. Everyone wants to make money by starting a blog or doing something, so Blog promotion becomes the most important task for this.
Blog Promotion Strategy
Do you follow the right Blog promotion strategy? If you use the right Blog Promotion techniques, you will soon be able to bring traffic to your blog and the website will grow gradually.
There are also a variety of blog promotion tools available that take some money from you and promote your blog, which gives you some benefit stake but the result is not always there.
That’s why we will suggest you use free blog promotion techniques.
Why is it necessary to Promote a Blog?
If you want the content you wrote on the blog to reach people, make your content strategy in such a way that it is sent to the right user.
You should try to share the website content written through this blog promotion and make it a part of a better strategy.
For the points below, it is very important to promote your blog content. Yes, it’s not just politics that is meant to preach. The content of the blog should also be promoted which has these benefits.
- A new backlink is created on your site.
- Bring the existing audience back to your site.
- Traffic on the blog begins to grow with new audiences.
- Leads for popups and newsletter sign-ups will begin to appear.
- Your blog begins to grow too many users.
- Google or other search engines are understood to be high-quality content because of the good traffic.
How do Promote a Blog for free?
Blog Promotion can’t be done in a day. You have to go through a long but mandatory process for any blog. Your proper effort depends on how much success you get.
No matter what the topic of the Website is, your website will perform well every day now.
Now you can promote your blog both online and offline.
Free Blog Promotion Techniques for 2023
The fastest and most important way to promote a Blog to increase traffic is the correct use of Social Media and Social Bookmarking. Social media are used a lot in today’s times and will surely remain in the times to come. Everybody uses social networking sites.
If anyone promotes websites on Social Media properly, they will definitely succeed.
For your information, let’s Blog Promotion within just 20 days can rank their website. So use these best places to promote blog posts without paying anything.
1. Promote your Blog with Facebook
But before promoting a blog on Facebook, make sure that you have good content for Promotion. My useful, easy, and accurate tips to use Facebook to get traffic on your website for free.
First of all, create a separate account for your blog on Facebook and start looking for as many friends as you like blogs.
Then join the Facebook Groups related to the niche of your blog.
Your website and post links are available on the timeline of your Facebook Account or on the FB Page. Share your post links in Groups. Use words that can attract readers and viewers to Share.
Facebook Blog Promotion is easily done and can quickly bring you a large number of Website Visitors to your blog.
Understand that if you have 5,000 members in one of your groups and you share your post to this group, at least 10% means 500 or more group members will turn to your blog.
If you share posts in more groups, you can get at least 1000 visitors from Facebook.
Facebook allows you to make a Fan page, you can use it to create a great fan page for your blog and get maximum Likes and visitors.
And there is a popular way to promote a Blog on Facebook called Facebook Boost, it is paid but it is also a very good way to promote any website globally.
But if you are a beginner and don’t want to invest in paid promotion. So, we will suggest you use as a freeway.
2. Promote your Blog on Twitter
Promoting your blog on Twitter is a little more difficult than on Facebook as letters are limited to writing on Twitter.
Keeping this limitation of letters in mind, if you have the ability to write Attractive Descriptions in fewer words, Twitter can also be beneficial for you.
After creating Twitter Account, you should try to get as many Followers as possible and follow Twitter accounts who are interested in Blogging.
Apart from Facebook and Twitter, Google Plus Network can also be useful in increasing organic traffic to a website. Sharing a post to Google Plus for Bloggers is much easier for Blog Promotion than any other Social network as Post Published gives you the option to share the post.
3. Promote your Blog on Instagram
After creating a new blog, the biggest challenge faced by every blogger is how to drive more traffic to your blog.
Google’s organic traffic is the main source of traffic coming over to the blog.
But if our blog is new and it doesn’t even have Authority on Google right now. Due to this, our website does not Rank on Google.
If your website doesn’t rank on Google, where will the traffic come from? So, you have to first bring initial traffic to your blog from social media in the early days of your blogging.
Instagram is the most powerful platform when it comes to social media. If you work well on Instagram, definitely your blog will start getting traffic.
Instagram is also a powerful Website Promotion Platform. Social Share Widget is successfully promoted by adding a blog post link by Feature Image Share your website on Instagram by putting it in your blog. So you can use Instagram to get traffic to your website fast.
4. Promote Blog on LinkedIn
LinkedIn, Professionals use to share Blog Post on LinkedIn and try to attract readers to their blogs.
LinkedIn is also a very good Social site to increase website traffic without SEO. You can Share the Post of the Blog and the YouTube Videos on LinkedIn.
So that some Traffic will start coming to your blog. Similarly, do not ignore less traffic and drive traffic to as many Blogs as possible from all over the place.
Social sites will increase the Search Engine Ranking of the Blog and after some time you will get good Traffic to the Blog.
5. Promote the Blog on Pinterest
Pinterest is a very powerful social media platform where you can share High-Quality images and videos for free.
First, create your account on Pinterest and upload an image of your blog’s post to it and get traffic from it as well as link your blog to that image.
To upload the image, you have to create a PIN of your own in Pinterest and insert the image and link of your post inside it.
If you are using Pinterest to drive more traffic, so this is the best way to boost website traffic for free if not then you should read our post which is given below..
Must Read: Easy ways to Create a Pinterest Account for your blog
8 Mind-Blowing Techniques to Make $1000 a Month Through Pinterest
6. Use Tumblr to Promote your Blog
Tumblr is a Famous blogging website. Tumblr you also get a Feature to make Free Blog. We can easily post Blogs on this platform and we can easily convey our Blog Posts and Articles to more readers.
In this way, traffic will start coming to your blog and your blog will gradually start ranking in Google. I also use Tumblr for 2 years to drive traffic to my website
7. Link to YouTube Video
If you have a channel on YouTube and create a YouTube video related to your post, you can also link your new post to it.
And if you have created a new video and have already written an article on your blog related to it, you can embed that video in your new blog post.
This is the best and most free way to increase website traffic free
8. Guest Posting
You can request any big blogger or website Owner (a blog that has good Domain Authority &Page Authority, Google Page Rank good, and good Traffic) to publish your blog post. It will be very beneficial for you if they are ready to post your blog.
You will not only get a high-quality Backlink (do-follow) from their site but also increase your website traffic if their audience reads your blog and visits your website.
Remember, a do-follow Backlink on an authority website is very helpful to get on google’s first page for free, just try to publish your post to the blog site associated with your blog.
So that your website can reach out to visitors interested in your post. This will help you to become a Brand Name.
9. Blog Commenting
You can talk to some other Blogs that are related to your Blog Topic. You can share your thoughts about his blog there, appreciating/praising his blog.
You have to praise him as a fan there. This allows you to make their audience a mark in between and some viewers may become fans of your Blog.
You can bring a lot of traffic to your website, which also gives you a Backlink, although it is not as effective as a do-follow Backlink but can be very helpful in bringing traffic.
NOTE: Don’t Spam, remember one thing here either meaning you don’t have to comment on too many blogs in a very short time, Google hates spamming and he keeps eye on all the activity related to your blog.
10. Use Quora to Boost Your Traffic
Quora is a question-answer Website, here you can answer a lot of questions related to your blog and mention them by linking to your site.
You can promote your blog in a very good way on Quora. If the questions asked by the people are related to your blog, you can link your blog by answering their questions.
This allows you to bring traffic who is interested in your blog. This will give you a lot of good traffic.
You can read our previous post in which we have a talk about how will you boost your website traffic through Quora.
Must Read: As a beginner: Simple Tips to Boost your Blog Traffic from Quora
11. Email Newsletter
Through Email newsletters, not only can we bring new visitors but also our old ones back to our site.
You will need to create an email service on your Site to Newsletter emails. You will ask to subscribe to the Visitors of your blog.
So that any new update of yours goes to them. This allows you to bring all your new and old visitors back to your site. You can maintain your Website traffic and also this is the way you can promote his blog.
You can use Canva to create attracted email Newsletter.
The best way to make it Successful in Email Marketing is to send an Email with your Signature (Name).
For example, whenever you get an email from Google, Pinterest, or a company, there is a Signature (name, posts) of the sender, as well as add an address and tagline of the Social Media Pages links company, which also brings more traffic to your blog.
12. Use Reddit to promote your blog
Reddit is also a High Authority Website and this is the best platform to promote your new blog.
Here you can promote blogs for free but you have to adopt a smart way to promote your website otherwise it can block or ban your website.
First, create an account on Reddit, then join a group related to the subject of your blog, then read the terms and conditions created by that group and share your blog post accordingly in that group.
13. Share your blog post on Scoop.it
Scoop is a website where you can share blog posts on any of your topics. First, you have to create your account here you will enter all the information in the account and you can also enter the URL of your blog in it.
You can share about 50 posts for free on Scoop to see how you Free Blog Promotion, and if you want to share more posts, you can check their pricing plan.
14. Promote your blog on Medium
Medium is a high authority site if your post goes here, good traffic will start coming from this platform on your site.
For this, first, you have to create an account of yours on Medium and then you can publish your article here.
Write an article related to the post you want to promote in your blog and mention the link of your post in that article, and then publish it medium, this is the best platform to bring traffic to your new website.
15. Use Google Sites to Increase Traffic
You have to Copy any article you want to Rank. Then you have to create your site on Google Sites. And put the Detail of your Blog post on it and leave it.
Google Site has a high Authority; your post may come to the Google Rank in Top which will increase your Blog Traffic quickly.
So, this is the best way to promote a blog on Google. This will give you organic traffic.
16. Use Google Question Hub to Promote the Blog
This is simple and easy to get organic traffic to your blog because in this way you increase traffic and website authority too. Because this is the product of Google and anyone can free to use it.
On this platform, you can find question whose answer is not available on Google. You just search your question on Google Question Hub and submit your post link on that question.
Remember before submitting your link you have to submit a link that is related to your posts.
You don’t need too much effort in Question Hub; simply you would submit your website link and you will start getting traffic from Google which will be organic traffic.
Must Read: Google Question Hub: Best Way to Increase Organic Website Traffic
I hope you can bring a lot of good traffic to your blog by adopting these effective methods and you can reach Blog to make good money from your Blog as well as become a popular Blogger. You can also promote blogs on Social Media Platforms.
Using these methods you can promote your blog and develop your strategy by tracking your competitors.
All these points are important in Blog promotion ideas and the blog never develops in a day or in a limited time it requires constant hard work and strategy.
I hope today’s information has been very important for you and your blog. If you like this post, you can also Share it with your friends on Social Media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp.